Majordomo Coaching

Joe specializes in being a personal majordomo for individuals and teams to guide them in finding their rhythm and true north compass. Simply put, Joe helps you and teams figure out where you are now and guide you to where you wish to go next.Interested in getting started?
Great, let's schedule a no-charge curiosity session. You can click on this calendar link or message me directly via email. This no-charge session is for us to chat, share perspective, and idea jam on an understanding of your needs and wishes. I'll offer my insights and share a bit of myself to help us get a sense of how best to serve your needs.
- Lifeview & Workview Orientation
- Career Compass Wayfinding
- Team Coaching & Design Innovation
- Executive Leadership Coaching
A bit about Joe, his coach view was shaped by a wondrous 30+ year career journey serving talented individuals and teams to learn and adapt to any challenge with grit and courage knowing there is always one more thing you can do to increase your chances for success. Starting with his time serving in the military during Operation Desert Storm, to his debut in engineering at Lockheed Martin assisting with the first designs of electronic voting machines, to a long career serving as a steward of coaching for Product & Engineering teams helping them bring novel solutions to life.